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The Bone Orchestra

Commissioned to document the research of the Bone and Mineral Centre, University College London, Spectacle’s short, experimental video provides a unique perspective on osteoporosis. Please get in touch using our contact form if you would like to screen this film publicly.

The Bailiff Cometh

Commissioned by Channel 4 and made with the collaboration of the Poll Tax Legal Group. This short video informed those who refused to pay their poll tax on their rights when confronted with bailiffs.   Please get in touch using our contact form if you would like to screen this film publicly.

Shaker Aamer: Una Década de Injusticia

Durante los últimos 10 años, el nombre de Shaker Aamer ha aparecido en las noticias periódicamente pero el tiempo pasa y la situación del último residente británico en Guantánamo permanece inmutable. Sin cargos y sin haber sido juzgado, Aamer continúa en captividad por razones poco claras o como ha dicho Amnestía Internacional en un ‘cruel […]

Quand les papiers arrivent…

Make yourself comfortable. Give yourself a few minutes to listen to what these people would like to tell us. This film is a succession of portraits of ‘Paperless’ people. The ‘Paperless’, the ex-‘Paperless’  and also their Belgian loved-ones answer the main question- “When the papers arrive, what would change in your lives? ” All of […]

Poza prawem: Echa z Guantanamo

“Poza prawem: Echa z Guantanamo” opowiada o Guantanamo, ‘nadzwyczajnych wydaniach’ oraz tajnych wiezieniach, krytykujac administracje Busha, ktora odrzucila prawo narodowe oraz miedzynarodowe i przechwytywala wiezniow w Afganistanie i Pakistanie bez naleznej kontroli (czesto za ogromne sumy pieniedzy). Film zwraca rowniez uwage na to, ze wiele z tych przetrzymywanych osob znajdowalo sie w Afganistanie czy Pakistanie […]

Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo

Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo tells the story of Guantánamo, extraordinary rendition and secret prisons, examining how the Bush administration turned its back on domestic and international laws, rounding up prisoners in Afghanistan and Pakistan without adequate screening (and often for large bounty payments), and why some of these men may have been in Afghanistan […]

Out of Line

A magazine style video recorded in and around London Lesbian and Gay Pride 1991. It includes features of lesbians and gays talking with clarity and vigour about their individual experience and viewpoints on race, age of consent, self insemination and being out at work and school. It records recent successful clashes with the homophobic press, […]

McLibel Two -The Fight For Freedom of Speech

This short film documents the “The McLibel case”, a long-running court action for libel filed by McDonald’s Corporation against environmental activists Helen Steel and David Morris over a pamphlet critical of the company. The original case, considered by many scholars to be a Strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP), lasted seven years, making it the […]

Loop Keep Fit

The video/interactive dvd of keep fit exercises is aimed at people who may be chair bound or of restricted mobility. It will be multi-lingual and subtitled.

Listen to Us

Originally envisaged as a training film for mental health professionals, it is divided into sections, how the interviewees came into contact with the mental health system, how they were committed, the drugs regime and its effects on them, how they left and aftercare received, and what they are doing now. The interviews are interspersed with […]

La Vérité Ment à Rostock

Please get in touch using our contact form if you would like to screen this film publicly.

Globalisation, Citizenship and the European Project

Filmed during annual INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) conference in 2000, Brussels with Riccardo Petrella, founder of the ‘Lisbon Group’ and one of the founders of the World Water Alternative Forum. Riccardo PETRELLA, conseiller auprès de la Commission Européenne, enseigne l’économie à l’Université Catholique de Louvain. il préside également l’Association des “Amis […]

Die Wahrheit liegt in Rostock

Im August 1992 griff ein Mob aus Anwohner_innen und Nazis vier Tage lang die „Zentrale Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber“ (ZaST) im Rostocker Stadtteil Lichtenhagen an. Begeisterte und applaudierende Deutsche machten aus dem brutalen Pogrom ein rassistisches Volksfest, auf dem sie weitgehend ungestört von der Polizei den Wahn eines „Deutschlands nur für Deutsche“ realisieren konnten. Es grenzt […]

Despite the Poll Tax

If questioned at all in the media most of the discourse about the inequities of poll tax concentrated on its economic injustices. Despite the Poll Tax however dug deeper into the largely ignored social and civil liberties implications of a colonial tax system whose earlier versions were considered unacceptable in the middle ages, leading to […]

Despite the Sun

Despite the Sun is an investigation into the year-long dispute, which shook the print industry. Produced from the point of view of the residents and print workers, the camera records the effects on residents harassed by the police and Murdoch’s lorries alike and cavalry-like charges of police horses on the picket lines. Vital questions are […]

Despite the Clause

Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 was an amendment to the United Kingdom’s Local Government Act 1986, enacted on 24 May 1988 and repealed on 21 June 2000 in Scotland, and on 18 November 2003 in the rest of the UK. The amendment stated that a local authority “shall not intentionally promote homosexuality […]

Shaker Aamer: A Decade of Injustice

In the past ten years, the name Shaker Aamer has been appearing in the news like clockwork; time goes by, but the situation of the last British resident held in Guantánamo Bay remains the same. Without having been charged or put on trial, Aamer is still held captive on obscure terms, or as Amnesty International […]

Battle of Trafalgar

An account of the anti-poll tax demonstration on 31st March 1990, one that is radically different from that presented by TV news. Eyewitnesses tell their stories against a backdrop of video footage showing the days events as they unfolded. Demonstrators’ testimonies raise some uncomfortable questions: questions about public order policing, the independence and accountability of […]

The Truth Lies In Rostock

Police withdraw as fascists petrol bomb a refugee centre and the home of Vietnamese guest workers while 3000 spectators stood by and clapped. Using material filmed from inside the attacked houses and interviews with anti-fascists, the Vietnamese guest workers, police, bureaucrats, neo-nazis and residents, a story of political collusion and fear unfolds. Using material filmed […]