Poison Girls – “Real Woman”

“Poison Girls” were a Brighton formed anarcho-punk band fronted by the late Vi Subversa.

This music video for “Real Woman” was made in 1984 by Wildtrax women’s video collective: Anne Robinson, Caroline Sheldon, Claire Glassman and Jeanette Iljon – ( with thanks to all the ‘real women’ who did it.)

 The Poision Girls’ 1984 single “Real Woman” – which was later re-released on Poison Girls’ 1995 compilation album “Real Woman”. Poison Girls’ 1984 single “Real Woman” was released via X-N-Trix Records. The song explores themes of sexuality and gender roles, influencing feminism and punk in the UK. This video is one of few music videos from Poison Girls, and features singer and guitarist Vi Subversa – who also features in the Spectacle produced documentary film “She’s A Punk Rocker”.

The Poison Girls, originally from Brighton but later relocating to Essex – which also played home to punk band Crass, whom they performed with frequently. The Poison Girls were influential at the time, challenging sexuality and gender roles in both post-punk culture and wider society. Poison Girls were also involved in “Aids – The Musical” and formed their own label “X-N-Trix”.

Vi Subversa – the band’s lead singer and guitarist – was very prominent in punk due to her radical and anarchic punk lyrics. She continued to perform outside of the Poison Girls, with her show Vi Subversa’s Naughty Thoughts. Subversa also had two children, Gem Stone and Pete Fender; who went on to join punk bands Fatal Microbes and Rubella Ballet.

This video features the band performing “Real Woman”, which will go down as iconic punk history.

The full video is available for free here

The full version of Despite TV 5 is available here and includes a US Embassy demo and an East End History Project with Bill Fishman.

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One thought on “Poison Girls – “Real Woman”

  1. Dear Spectacle Blog,

    I am writing to request a correction to an article you published on your very interesting blog concerning Vi Subversa and the Poison Girls, by Ellie Davis.

    The video for ‘Real Woman’ was not made by Despite TV, but by a women’s video collective called Wildtrax of which I was a member. It was funded by Rough Trade. I think this error is now out on the web as the work was unfortunately included on a video from Despite TV with no clear titles on it.

    It would be great if you can publish a correction as I have shown the video a couple of times recently and there is some interest in it. It seems a shame if women’s history gets erased once again and I am sure that was not your intention.

    Thank you
    all the best

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