Participatory Media

Two Day Workshop Model

Identify local individuals who can play a co-ordinating and recruiting role for the Spectacle workshops, to ensure a wide demographic in terms of
race, age and sex through targeted outreach.

By conducting our workshops over two days we can ensure that participants gain the necessary skills to discuss and document their own content.  Day one of the workshop tend to focus on skill development, ensuring all participants are adequately prepared to fully utilise these on day two.

On day one training in both technical and interview skills.
The training will presume no prior experience and will quickly bring everyone up to a basic working knowledge and will help participants build confidence to deal with a wide range of interviewees, drawing out individual concerns and issues.

On day two the workshop process of rotating roles will ensure all participants will engage as camera and sound operation, interviewer and interviewee. This process allows them to produce their own media content and to be filmed and interviewed by their peers and neighbours relatively unmediated by professionals. In our experience who is behind the camera and microphone is key to the resulting material.

Spectacle video workshops bring people together across ethnic, generational and socio-economic divides providing an activity-based environment that engages people who may never attend a meeting, participate in surveys or focus groups.

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