Creative Capitalist City Online

Tino Buchholz has released his film – Creative Capitalist City – online for free distribution. The film covers issues of urban regeneration and housing issues in modern Western society.

After a year of DVD distribution and events in Amsterdam, Hamburg, London,
Athens, Vienna and Zurich, Bucholz has annonced the film online with a number of different subtitles.

Visit the website – – for more information.

Synopsis: This film is more than a local documentary on Amsterdam. It
explores the latest urban re-/development pattern in advanced Western
capitalist cities. The hype around the creative city began already a
decade ago, it is global in scope and about to reach its peak. After
Richard Florida’s influential book “The Rise of the Creative Class” (2002)
creativity has advanced to be the role model of urban regeneration: The
New American Dream. What is new about this dream? What happens when the
hype is over? Housing as a job or the Right to the City”?

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