New Release from the Archive!
Over the past 4 months, Spectacle has been holding weekly workshops to explore the footage from the Silwood Archive.
One topic that Silwood residents expressed interest in seeing more information about is the story of a missing sculpture called Neighbourly Encounters. We have edited together some information from the archive about this statue. Please have a look.
The sculpture was commissioned from the artist Uli Nimptsch for the new GLC Silwood Estate and stood on the estate from 1964 until it disappeared some time in the 1980s or 90s.

If you have memories of Silwood, and would like to watch more Archive footage please visit this link.

If you are interested in joining us in selecting parts of the Archive to edit into short videos such as the one you have just watched, please subscribe here.

For more on the Silwood Video Group and the story of the estate since 2001 visit the Blog