Spectacle runs workshops, talks, urban tours and screenings in a variety of settings from festivals and community centres to gallery exhibitions. See below for a comprehensive list of upcoming and past events.
Mark Saunders lecturing on the Urban Practices course at UCL
Venue: University College London
Department of Geography
Course: Urban Practices course
Drawing on 30 years experience of independent and community based media practice Mark Saunders describes the political/technological development of Spectacle’s practice, using media in urban struggles for social justice in the built environment.
Website: www.spectacle.co.uk/...
Venue: Bartlett School of Planning, UCL
London Planning Seminars
London Planning Seminars are held at 17.30 in room 517 (5th floor),
Bartlett School of Planning, UCL, Wates House, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB
Website: www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/...
Speaker: Mark Saunders
Venue: G07, Gower Street, Pearson Building
Geography Department, UCL
In response to the current planning applications for the redevelopment of Battersea Power Station this session will concentrate on the sad past and even gloomier future of London's best known and loved riverside landmark.
Website: www.theurbansalon.org/...
In The Fog of Games, the first casualty is the truth.
Venue: New Theatre, East Building Houghton St 7-8pm
London School of Economics
Course: Talking Pictures
The Olympics are brief, transitory TV events justify mega projects of vast urban restructuring that permanently distort our cities for the benefit of a few business interests.
Website: www.lse.ac.uk/...
Experience of community- based engagement in the planning processes
Venue: The Forum : ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA
Mark Saunders (Spectacle), Anthony Iles (Mute), Martin Slavin (Games Monitor),
Neil Gray (Variant) and Julie Logan (Save Our Old Town)
Website: www.independentrepublicofthecanongate.blogspot.com/...
The Olympics, Commonwealth Games and other Mega projects
Venue: Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow
Mark Saunders (Spectacle), An,thony Iles (Mute), Martin Slavin (Games Monitor) Neil Gray (Variant), Libby Porter (Planners Network UK) and Jonathon Atkinson (Urban Research Collective)
Website: www.glasgowresidents.wordpress.com/...
Lecture and Presentation about the 2012 London Olympics
Venue: Kunstmuseum Basel
Start: 6:15pm.
Entry: Free.
Marc Angélil, Professor at the Department of Architecture (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), and film-maker Mark Saunders of Spectacle will discuss the 2012 Olympic Developments.
Organised by: Architektur Dialoge B
Website: www.architekturdialoge.ch/...
Videos and Discussions on Olympics 2012 Mark Saunders
Venue: Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich
Organised by INURA Zurich
Course: The Regeneration Games
Presentation of video edits from Spectacle's forthcoming film on the Olympics 2012. Featuring the Legacy and the allotments story.
Website: www.cabaretvoltaire.ch/... cabaretvoltaire
More of Spectacles photos tagged with cabaretvoltaire on www.flickr.com |
Contrapolis; or, Creativity and Enclosure in the Cities
Venue: The Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) and Poortgebouw Rotterdam
Organised by Marina Vishmidt
Course: Mark Saunders on the London Olympics.
2 days of workshops, discussions, walks, presentations, installations and screenings that articulate approaches and experiences around the contentious nexus of culture and urban regeneration in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, London, Glasgow and Barcelona.
Website: www.enoughroomforspace.org/...
Community Planning Processes and Skills Workshop:
Venue: SOAS
De Montfort University
Joyce Amparabeng presents Spectacle's participatory media and engagement workshops.
Spectacle on London development projects
Venue: Hamburg Kunstverein
Website: www.projektgruppe.org/...
Mark Saunders and Martin Slavin on London Olympics
Venue: Mute Talk @ Soho Theatre 7pm, 9 October, 2007
Soho Theatre info at www.sohotheatre.com/pl1366.html
In Mute magazine’s first discussion evening on the increasingly urgent subject of debt, Martin Slavin of Gamesmonitor [www.gamesmonitor.org.uk] will respond to contributor Mark Saunders' analysis of the negative impact of the London Olympics.
Website: www.metamute.org/...
'Sport Art'. The new Olympic event?
Venue: Glasgow Center for Contemporary Art
Kate Rich, Heath Bunting, Kayle Brandon, Mark Saunders, Jim Colquhoun.
Course: Chaired by Rachel Baker, Irational.org - Tools, Techniques and Events 1996-2006
This seminar will examine 'Sport Art' techniques and whether it proposes any kind of challenge to the Olympics and the cultural apparatus that is being built to sell it as an opportunity for artists and communities in London's East End.
Website: www.cca-glasgow.com/...
Talk in the ICA bar
Venue: ICA
Cultural Revelation
Londoners share views, memories, dreams & reflections of life in this diverse, extraordinary, capital.
Beryl Bainbridge, Bernard Kops, Al Alvarez, John the Cabbie, Matthew Stone, Mark Saunders, Jude Rogers, Clifford Slapper, Zandra Rhodes and Lennie Lee.
Website: blog.urbanomic.com/...
Video Magazines, issues around audience and distribution
Venue: Switch, Colchester Community Video Magazine
Mark Saunders from Despite TV and Penny Woolcock from Northern Newsreel. Screenings discussion and speakers.