Spectacle Archive

Ruhullah Aramesh March - 1992


Anti-Nazi League demo in Thornton Heath 1992 against murder of Ruhullah Aramesh, first part, march to scene of murder.

Demo against the Killing of Ruhullah Aramesh in Thornton Heath in 1992

Ruhullah Aramesh, twenty-four years old, an Afghan refugee was attacked in Thornton Heath on July 31, 1992, by a gang of twenty yelling racist epithets. They beat him with iron bars and wood planks until his skull was crushed.

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Date: 12 September 1992
Location: Norbury
City: London
Crew: M Saunders
Organisation: Anti-Nazi League
Event: Demonstration
Scene 1: March to scene of murder
Original Format - colour, hi8, 13 mins
Language versions - english

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