Police withdraw as fascists petrol bomb a refugee centre and the home of Vietnamese guest workers while 3000 spectators stood by and clapped. Using material filmed from inside the attacked houses and interviews with anti-fascists, the Vietnamese guest workers, police, bureaucrats, neo-nazis and residents, a story of political collusion and...
An account of the anti-poll tax demonstration on 31st March 1990, one that is radically different from that presented by TV news. Eyewitnesses tell their stories against a backdrop of video footage showing the days events as they unfolded. Demonstrators' testimonies raise some uncomfortable questions: questions about public order policing,...
Im August 1992 griff ein Mob aus Anwohner_innen und Nazis vier Tage lang die „Zentrale Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber“ (ZaST) im Rostocker Stadtteil Lichtenhagen an. Begeisterte und applaudierende Deutsche machten aus dem brutalen Pogrom ein rassistisches Volksfest, auf dem sie weitgehend ungestört von der Polizei den Wahn eines „Deutschlands nur für...
Exodus collective é un gruppo che si basa sul lavoro collettivo, ed usa come simbolo dell'organizzazione DIY-cultura del fai da te-. Feste gratuite, ristrutturazione di abitazioni e attività agricole, come pratica di fai da te autosufficente. Questo lavoro documenta tramite  interviste ai membri del partito Exodus dance party,  anche gli...
The utopian Luton based Exodus Collective was met with powerful opposition. This film investigates the intricate web of this opposition and identifies a number of interlocking interests at play. The Luton based Exodus Collective came into existence in 1992 as part of the growing DIY culture which arose in response...
Exodus (nach einem Song von Bob Marley) wurde 1992 in England als Antwort auf den damals um sich greifenden Wirtschaftsliberalismus gegr¸ndet. Die bunte Truppe von Arbeitslosen, Outsidern der Gesellschaft und Ex-Kriminellen lebt abseits von London auf einer ‹community farm". Sie stehen auf Reggae, Trance, Jungle und organisieren kostenlose Rave-Parties, die...
Le collectif Exodus (d'après une chanson de Bob Marley) s'est formé en Angleterre en 1992, en réponse aux innombrables difficultés engendrés par le libéralisme économique triomphant. Cette communauté bigarrée qui réunit des ouvriers au chômage, d'anciens délinquants et divers exclus de la société, vit à l'écart de Londres dans une...
The Luton based Exodus Collective came into existence in 1992 as part of the growing DIY culture which arose in response to unemployment, poverty and frustration amongst young people. They organised free 'rave' parties, renovated derelict homes, set up a community farm and now plan to open a community centre....
The Luton based Exodus Collective came into existence in 1992 as part of the growing DIY culture which arose in response to unemployment, poverty and frustration amongst young people. With a philosophy marked by a strong spiritual strand, appealing to notions of community and natural justice in its struggle for...
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