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Showing 532 - 540 of 606 items
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: 8 May 1995
Format: hi8, 45 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Twenty First part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 06:24 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Thirtieth part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project explored the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 18 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
First part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
These interviews together with archive and other visual
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 5 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Sixth part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 7 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Seventh part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 2 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Eighth part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 4 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Ninth part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 10 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Tenth part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Archive Category: Murray Bookchin
Date: May 1995
Format: hi8, 6 mins, 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Eleventh part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.