Well London

Hammersmith and Fulham - White City

White City Media Project

Well London is supporting the production of a community film about White City. We've been hard at work with local residents, shooting events, activities and interviews.

The final film is in production, bringing together elements of this archive to explore the history, current community and future of White City. This is a resident led project so any comments, suggestions or selections from the time coded clips would be very welcome. These and can be viewed using the links below.

If you would like more hands on involvement editing the film, please get in touch. 

Greg Pittard, Project Co-ordinator
020 7223 6677

White City AGM, 11.09.09

Footage of the 2009 AGM giving an overview of the current developments in White City and interviews with members of the community.

Well London - White City AGM, Harry Audley Interview

Well London - White City AGM, Everard Campbell Interview

Well London - White City AGM, Mr Burgess Interview

Family Fun Day, 17.08.09

Organised by the White City Delivery Team

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Tajul Islam Interview

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Abdul Karim Interview

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Daniel Edwards Interview

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Oola Balam Interview

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Mani Ahdan Interview

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Abi Gilbert Interview

Well London - White City Family Fun Day, Adam Finch Interview

White City Tour, 17.08.09

A short tour of White City Estate with Les Jackson who talked briefly to Spectacle about its history and the current community setup.

Street Athletics, 06.08.09

Video of White City Street Athletics, an initiative run by former athletes Darren Campbell and Linford Christie.

Filmed by Thomas Fre, Ismail  Crampin and Kevin Irikefe with Leslie Jackson interviewing.

Edited as part of the Spectacle placement scheme.

Well London - White City Street Athletics, Richard Roberts Interview

Well London - White City Street Athletics, Jason Carrigan, Met. Police Interview

Well London - White City Street Athletics, Andy Slaughter Interview

Well London - White City Street Athletics, William de Torvey Ballou Interview

Well London - White City, Koss Mohammed Interview

Activate, Taster Day, 27.05.09

Well London - White City Open day, Marcia Clack Interview

Well London - White City Open Day, Onyeka Ezanagu Interview

Well London - White City Open Day, Kissu Denton-Savage Interview


Gardening with Cook and Eat, Monday 10th November

Although the gardening part of the session was called of due to rain, the cook and eat was a real success. Our footage shows the event in full flow and includes interviews with participants and the organiser and can be watched online via the links below.

Well London - White City Cook and Eat, Talk

Well London - White City Cook and Eat, Cooking

Well London - White City Cook and Eat, Participant Interviews

Well London - White City Cook and Eat, Eating

Well London - White City Cook and Eat, Naami Padi Interview

Please click for more infomation about the Well London Media Project


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