Well London

Greenwich - Woolwich Common

Interviews with some of the ladies that are part of the Dare to Dream project, after the group session on what they are involved in, expressing their views and opinions on the project in general.

Interview with Pamela Balayi

Interview with Yama Njai

Interview with Chinyelu Egbuji




Tour of Barnfield with the newly appointed Well London coordinator and Residents meeting with project presentations about the CYMCA Activate project and Groundworks intentions for the Outdoor Spaces project.


Archive content:

Community Feast: Resident interviews and Healthy eating filmed by local youth

If you are a Woolwich Common resident and interested in being part of the Well London Media Project in your area, learning to shoot and edit documentary video or completing a professional placement please contact Spectacle or

Greg Pittard, Project Co-ordinator
020 7223 6677


Clips from Well London, along with footage from other Spectacle projects, can also be viewed in the Archive.

To view related articles and discuss issues raised in these clips please visit the Spectacle Blog.

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