Well London

Kensington and Chelsea - Notting Barns

MWIA (Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment)

The Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment examines the effect of a project on the local community. The Community Gardening project initiated by Groundwork was the subject of the Notting Barns event.

Allom and Barlow Gardens

Following th MWIA, we attended the launch of the Gardens, conducting interviews and enabling the young people at the event to film their own content. A short edit of the day and the MWIA process can be viewed below

Notting Barns - Kitchen Gardens Celebration

Groundwork are also behind the transformation of empty urban spaces into community Kitchen Gardens in Notting Barns. Spectacle visited the gardens for the second time on June 1st for a celebration event marking their first year anniversary.



If you are a Notting Barns resident and interested in being part of the Well London Media Project in your area, learning to shoot and edit documentary video or completing a professional placement please contact Spectacle or

Greg Pittard, Project Co-ordinator
well-london (at) spectacle.co.uk
020 7223 6677

Clips from Well London, along with footage from other Spectacle projects, can also be viewed in the Archive.

To view related articles and discuss issues raised in these clips please visit the Spectacle Blog.

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