Well London

Hackney - Brownswood

Healthy Spaces Launch,
London Wildlife Trust East Reservoir Community Garden

Watch a selection of the activies that took place, from bird watching, to willow weaving and a coconut shy. Some of the young people who took part in the day's activities were taught to use the cameras and helped to film the interviews below.


Well London - Hackney Reservoir - Sam Alexander, Groundwork

Well London - Hackney Reservoir - Anwar Lohiya

Well London - Hackney Reservoir - Raphael Volante

Well London - Hackney Reservoir, Enric Cucarella


Canoeing at the West reserviour centre, part of the YMCA Active project

If you are a Brownswood resident and interested in being part of the Well London Media Project in your area, learning to shoot and edit documentary video or completing a professional placement please contact Spectacle or

Greg Pittard, Project Co-ordinator
020 7223 6677


Clips from Well London, along with footage from other Spectacle projects, can also be viewed in the Archive.

To view related articles and discuss issues raised in these clips please visit the Spectacle Blog.

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