Olympics 2012: Legacy, Land Grabs and Liberties

Olympics 2012: Legacy, Land Grabs and Liberties

Mark Saunders presentation at HafenCity Universität Hamburg department of Urban Design.

Thursday 13 Jan 2011. 7.30

In the Fog of Games the first casualty is the truth.  The Olympics, like other sporting spectaculars, are only brief and transitory television events that disguise and justify Mega projects of vast urban restructuring that permanently distort our cities for the benefit of a few business interests . The common features of these Mega projects are unprecedented land grabs, the peddling of myths of “regeneration”  and the “legacy” benefits for the host community, the sweeping away of democratic structures and planning restraints, the transfer of public money into private hands and “information management” to hid truths and silence critics.

Mark Saunders will be showing some “work in progress” extracts from Spectacle’s film on the London Olympics.

Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011
19.00 Uhr

HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Averhoffstraße 38
Erdgeschoss, Raum 16 b

Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der UD-Vortragsreihe “Feste feiern. Kollektivierungen urbaner Praxis”

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Olympic regeneration exposed in the Journal for Northeast Issues

Journal for North EastFrom this week the new issue of the Journal For Northeast Issues edited by Projekgruppe, will be on sale. The specialised periodical features a reprint of an article by Mark Saunders  Fish and Freedom Fries on London’s Olympic regeneration myths and realities.

In July 2006, London rejoiced at winning the bid to 2012 Olympic Games. But who is really celebrating? Mostly urban planners, who have carte blanche to carry through a programme of urban reconstruction otherwise beyond their wildest hopes.

In London, Olympic visions tie in nicely with existing policies of regeneration. Made digestible using labels such as “mixed tenure” and “social diversity”, regeneration is effectively a policy of interference with existing social structures.

Documentary filmmaker Mark Saunders describes, how in East London, the structures being replaced are precisely those that do not coincide with the private interests behind the Olympic bid.

The Journal For Northeast has been published by Hamburg based Revolver Publishing since November 2007, under the label “For now, let’s make our paper as a living magazine!”

A release event will take place on 9 December in Hamburg. In early 2011, related journal events will take place in Budapest, Vienna and Copenhagen.

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